Are termites attracted to light


Termites are attracted to various things, including wood, moisture, and warmth. But what about light? Can it be a factor that draws them in? Let’s find out.

Do Termites Like Light?

While termites are not necessarily attracted to light, they are not repelled by it either. Termites can be drawn to light in certain situations, such as during swarming season or when they are looking for an escape route from an infested area.

Termites and Light: The Relationship

Termites are most active in the dark, as they are sensitive to light and can easily dry out if exposed to direct sunlight. As a result, they typically tunnel through wood and soil to remain hidden from light and other predators.

However, there are some scenarios where termites can be drawn to light. For example, if you have a termite infestation in your home, you may notice swarms of termites emerging from walls or floors. These swarms can be attracted to light, particularly if it’s combined with warmth or moisture. In this case, the termites are not attracted to the light itself but rather the fact that it provides an escape route to the outside world.

Swarming termites are referred to as alates, and these alates are winged termites. During the swarming season, alates emerge from their nests in search of a mate to start a new colony. Once they have successfully paired up, they lose their wings and begin to establish a new colony together.

Another situation where termites can be attracted to light is during the swarming season, which typically occurs in the spring or summer. During this time, male and female termites fly around in search of a mate and a new place to start a colony. These termites are attracted to light and will often congregate around outdoor light sources such as streetlights or porch lights.

Preventing Termite Infestations

Now that we know that termites are not necessarily attracted to light, what can we do to prevent termite infestations? Here are some useful tips:

  • Remove any wood debris from your yard or garden, as termites can feed on dead wood and use it as a nesting site.
  • Fix any leaks or standing water around your home, as termites are attracted to moisture.
  • Seal any cracks or gaps in your foundation or walls to prevent termites from entering your home.
  • Keep firewood away from your home, as it can attract termites and provide them with an easy entry point.
  • Have your home inspected by a pest control professional regularly to catch any potential termite infestations early.


While termites are not attracted to light in the same way as other pests, they can be drawn to it in certain situations, such as during swarming season or when they are looking for an escape route from an infested area. The best way to prevent termite infestations is to eliminate sources of moisture and wood debris around your home and to have your home inspected regularly by a pest control professional. By following these simple steps, you can protect your home from these destructive pests and ensure that it remains a safe and healthy environment for you and your family.

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